Wednesday, April 22, 2009

okay i'm resolved to post more heavier entries from now. As compared to the previous few ones which have either been annoyingly politically correct/cheesy and nonsensical rants.

Reading off somepeople's blogs just give me an inferiority complex. Not referring to those that give a complete detailed narration of their lives and go on yapping about the rest of their day. But rather those flooded with commentaries/observations/random muse/quotes that really draw you out from reality to take a step back and observe everything around you. Puts things into hell lotsa perspective really. Makes me feel a lot less overwhelmed as well.

I just realised I managed to contradict myself in a paragraph.
Guess we're all full of it everyday. not that we bother to realise at all.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

OMG. This is academic suicide. only at the tip of the homework iceberg.
GP is ghastly. 
Math is murderous.
Chem is conniving crap.
Econs has the opportunity cost of reviving the rest of my surviving brain cells.
Lit is a lullaby.
PW is preposterous.
Chinese is the joke of my life.

Life's good.
I'm an optimist.
Surely you can tell. =D