Thursday, June 15, 2006

I'm getting very very very lazy on updating day 4 cus i'm waaay too caught up in watching 22men chasing a ball. I bet most retards out there are too, thas why unless you've been living under a rock for the past month, you'd stop reading moi blog too. Cos the perth thing, is soooo over. So i shall pause on perth for the time bein. And we shall start talking about men and soccer balls.ahem.

I'm a bit bored talking bout the matches, so i shall be yakking about the next best things about soccer.

Soccer by the numbers...

5 : No. of stars on the brazil jersey

Each star represents every WC win. The most stars their opponents have is only 3.sweet.

32: No. of teams competing in this year's WC

73: No. of years since the first World Cup tournament, which was held in Uruguay..Oooh.

0: No. of times S'pore has won the World Cup.

32,789: No. of you who will most likely laugh after reading the previous entry.

20,457: No. of you who are still laughing

2010: When Spore targetted to reach the World Cup Finals.

40,000: No. of you who fell off your chairs (laughing) after reading the previous entry.

20100: When we're likely to reach the World Cup Finals.

18 : Carats of f**kin (sorry but im sorry..18 f***king carats?!) solid gold the World Cup Trophy is made of.

There ya have it. standin @ 36 cm , 18-carat solid-gold FIFA WC trophy. Jeez, no wonder they kiss that thing.

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