Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I finished For One More Day by Mitch Albom.
If you're looking for something thrilling, engaging, suspense, intense,
this is sooooooooo the book
you should throw away.

But if you're in the mood for tears, nostalgy, lifesuckiness, cliched second chances, go on and pick up the book back from the trash.
If you're a momma's boy, even more reason to!
I'm not saying it belongs to the trash though.
After all, it did cost $32.45.

It's bout this guy who's lost his purpose in life-bankrupt, divorced..
and decides one day to end it.
Unfortunately i think he goes into temporary subconciousness and experiences NDE(near-death experience).
As he supposedly regains conciousness, he sees his mom standing in front of him. By the way, she'd passed away 10 yrs back.

Spends one more day with his mom, and recounting he memories with her. He realises how much he missed her, how he always let her down.
He even made a list of "Times My Mom Stood Up For Me"
"Times I Did Not Stand Up For My Mom"
and not being there when she died topped the list.

His mom shows him how much she went through after his dad left her.
He quietly realises how he had let her down.
She saves him from nothingness.purposelessness.
He realises his foolishness and decides to live wiser.
he cherished.

"What causes an echo?"

The persistence of sound after the source has stopped.

"When can you hear an echo?"

When it's quiet and other sounds are absorbed.

Like how something stays it your heart even though its gone, it hasn't died.When it's silent, that's when you start thinking about it.

Never regret what you never got to do.
Or what you had done for that matter.

p/s The whole story was a true account from Charles Benetto, a former world series baseball player. He wasnt trying to convince people about his experience, but merely to share it. With hope that you realise some things too.

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