Friday, September 08, 2006

These few days, have been studyin like siao.
Evryday goin out to Macs, Burger King, then find a small cosy isolated place and mug for the the rest of the day.

I cud only study my one and only favourite *choke* subject, math. Cos that was the only tb i remembered to salvage from our ever 'spacious' locker.damnit.

nerding at macs.

If you were observant enough, you'd have seen 2 inches of a gameboy and my brat's hand. He was supposed ta b muggin too. but secretly sneaked his GB along.

And while my mom went window shoppin, he took it out and with an evil laugh, he started playin..

Unlike his dearest sister, he is unfortunately not gifted in the area of english, sacarsm or wit.

But don't fret just yet!

It turns out that he his like the complete total opposite of her, instead, he is a total genius in math.
Always gettin full marks in his tests and coming home to brag to anyone and evryone who cares enough to listen.
Which means mom n dad.

Usually I just express my mock surprise when he gets 15/15 while I'm stuck with 15/ 25.

Like this,


-End of mock surprise-

Haha, nah, I'm not that cruel. I just do that 50% of the time. hee.

Anyway, this is just a misrable attempt to make muggin sound interesting.

Skiving off during muggin

I refused to take any because of the recent breakout which I think may have been caused by the durian that I reluctantly consumed yesterday nite.
My dad convinced my to try cos its supposed to be 'solid' one.

See lah. Dam solid lah.

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