Sunday, September 24, 2006

ahhh. how good it feels to be back online. at least for now, before my guiltness kicks in again.
Everyone else is probably studying their asses away, and everytime I switch on the TV, pick up a copy of 8days, Lime or even straits times, I feel guilty because I know I should be studying my ass off too.
Heck I even feel guilty sleeping.

So today, armed with a truckload of txtbooks, I isolated myself at city hall starbucks for 5 frickin hours, resulting in 2 vanilla lattes.potato salad.warm chocolate cake and hot cocoa with whipped cream!
Oh marhhhh gawdd.

Whoa, i tell you, it's like committing all 7 deadly sins all at once. Didn't seem like a torturing study session. Nope, not at all.
No matter how evil and deceiving the algebraic equations were.
But i got a teeny bit frustrated cos my beloved nano wasnt with me.

Anywaay. Watching SI. I don't care whether Jon wins or not, because as the corny saying goes, at this point, they're all winners.
Personally, I feel that Jon has the more unique voice, tho no doubt that Hady has 'the voice'.
Hady's more a dime in a dozen, where you can find many singers with his kinda vocal powress. but not many singers have Jon's signature baritone, low n sexayy voice and the moves ta go along with it. Not to mention the bloody intense goosebump-raising stare.
I like.

I want to talk more. But once again, I am feeling guilty guilty guilty.
Actually, I just realised that I have a shitload of work left undone.
So Tatas...

On a closing note, I'd like to say,
not all emo kids are depressed and whiney. Some are happy, immature, bouncy kids.
I think that will be my next entry.

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