Friday, December 08, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
But anyway I'll just quickly run through the whole thing pronto.
Erm, Race against time..this year Nature Ramble was cancelled...
to much disappointment and protest..
The closest we got to bein dirty was King of the Hill, which we didn't give a shit bout completing. We got mud masks though.
for Amazing race we came back second..............................................
last. On the way back in the bus, we shared lame jokes with the other group and bobby told ghost stories. The gals toilet seemed to be a frequent nightspot for the spookies.
The posessed girl story was tingly...
Campfire was just warm..
with the exception of the 'Dancing Queen' thing. My lovely group pushed me out...but thankfully we were all blindfolded while we danced. Otherwise I wouldn't have danced the way i did. Thank god i wasn't the winner, I told anyone who asked that i was posessed.period.
Disco after the campfire was pretty fun.
We saw Lee Pei(mad scientist loll) shakin her thang. hahhahahhaha.
You had to be there to see how she was shakin LOL! She even did this disco point point to the sky and pose! She was even doin it on the way back to the campsite...hahahaha. It was a sight.
Movie under the stars was...Madacasgar..kinda disappointingly.
but neh-mind!.i went to the canteen to play the Milo game with the last of the monkshillians...
Especially the name the bra brand, make-up surprised that some guys were kinda stumped. I thought they woulda aced it. hee.
I had a helluva time tryna persuade girls to let me tell them the story bout the girl's toilet before they went to shower.hahaha.
Then I remembered I woke up 5.30 on the first day and went to the toilet myself, even though it was 2 days ago, it was freaky to know i actually did it.
All in all, campteen was pretty lukewarm this year(for me), but at least this time i collected a jar full of lame jokes.
Can't wait to spread the joy!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Woo lala!
honestly seriously frankly, last year's was way funner and retardeder and enthusiastic-er. But let's not compare n contrast shall we?
ARGhh, sorry I couldn't resist.
Last year, I was a escapee from Woodbridge.
Group Crazy. Siao ARH!(btw, this year Insane 'coincidentally' had the same slogan-siao arh)
This year, we celebrate free love and world peace.
Group Hippie Hippos.
Last year, all the groups cheered like their life depended on it.
This year, most groups didn't really care whether they died or not.
Okay fine maybe only those juicy jaguars who were extremely enthusiastic cheering bout watermelons, bananas, cherries and rambutans. (Do the cheer with actions for full effect)
Don't look at me, ask those juicy people.
ahem,go figure.
Well this year I came to campteen having high expectations of a fun-filled hyperventilating-10-year-old-lil-kids-running and-screaming-around-the-place kinda fun..Don't get me was still fun, but some ppl still weren't shameless enough to let go of their inhibitions and revisit their inner 10year old, and therefore, there wasn't enough lameness and enthusiasm to hype up the place.
BUT complains aside. We da hippies y'all.
Our flag was like so copyright infringement. Lee Pei (mad scientist aka the girl who kept making the head count ppl count more guys and less girls) drew a purple hippo makin this peace sign.
Yao Dong (our instructor) asked us to draw a diaper, almost wanted to write 'I love mom' on it. hahaha.
The flag came in real handy during the Amazing race,cos we'd pass by the Hippo tour bus at least 2wice at each location, so we'd wave the flag at the buses. Walau free adverts okay?
We should have used the Hippo Bus slogan: Be Hip, Go topless.
Hahahaha, I like.
to be continued.....
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
If you're looking for something thrilling, engaging, suspense, intense,
this is sooooooooo the book
you should throw away.
But if you're in the mood for tears, nostalgy, lifesuckiness, cliched second chances, go on and pick up the book back from the trash.
If you're a momma's boy, even more reason to!
I'm not saying it belongs to the trash though.
After all, it did cost $32.45.
It's bout this guy who's lost his purpose in life-bankrupt, divorced..
and decides one day to end it.
Unfortunately i think he goes into temporary subconciousness and experiences NDE(near-death experience).
As he supposedly regains conciousness, he sees his mom standing in front of him. By the way, she'd passed away 10 yrs back.
Spends one more day with his mom, and recounting he memories with her. He realises how much he missed her, how he always let her down.
He even made a list of "Times My Mom Stood Up For Me"
"Times I Did Not Stand Up For My Mom"
and not being there when she died topped the list.
His mom shows him how much she went through after his dad left her.
He quietly realises how he had let her down.
She saves him from nothingness.purposelessness.
He realises his foolishness and decides to live wiser.
he cherished.
"What causes an echo?"
The persistence of sound after the source has stopped.
"When can you hear an echo?"
When it's quiet and other sounds are absorbed.
Like how something stays it your heart even though its gone, it hasn't died.When it's silent, that's when you start thinking about it.
Never regret what you never got to do.
Or what you had done for that matter.
p/s The whole story was a true account from Charles Benetto, a former world series baseball player. He wasnt trying to convince people about his experience, but merely to share it. With hope that you realise some things too.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
1.the disagreeable physical after effects of drunkenness, such as a headache or stomach disorder, usually felt several hours after cessation of drinking.
2.something remaining behind from a former period or state of affairs.
3.any aftermath of or lingering effect from a distressing experience
okaay, i certainly do not have any 'disagreeable physical after effects' and it certainly wasnt a distressing experience.
I was however, heavily alcohol-induced.
haha. I was at a family gathering at my aunt's hse, and evryone was there as usual, being the only one of my age(youngest cuz is
I decided to sit there listening to adultspeak.
Listening to a bunch of grown ups talking aint that bad, considering that Uncle Vincent tells really funny and a teeny bit RA stories.
He used to be a head steward at SIA, but it's hard to imagine, since now he's pot-bellied and damn chee ko peh(actually he's always been chee ko peh)
Most of them were drinking and I have tried some before and it wasnt too bad, so I shared some wit my mom.
Before I knew it, I had my own glass.
My uncle was like, Warh! Underage drinking!
Then uncle Vincent went to tease my cuz who's legally allowed to drink(the 18 one), tellin him that I could drink better than him.
Then he poured him a cup asking him to challenge me?
I knew I was in deep shit.
But it was funny i gotta admit, my cousin drank once sip then ate a mouthful of bee hoon. Haha. I'm not mocking him, but my uncle was.
We had 4/5 rounds. I mean of course the bottles were passed around to everyone. okay I wasn't drunk, I could still walk straight, but I saw my face in the mirror and i was flushed bloody red. literally bloody red.
My face was just tinged but my lips looked like I'd just drank blood.
Hahaha. I didn't havta put on any make up, my face looked like it was caked with makeup.
My cousin looked the same and it was funny as hell!
Thank gawd I didn't puke when I got home.
I did, however, have the best sleep of my life.
Ohmygawd. Wine is meant to be enjoyed. Enjoy it, don't be pressured to drink 5/6 glasses just coz some uncle asked you to challenge your 18 year old cousin.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
I'm losing my motivation to blog and it's all you ppl's fault.
I realise that at least 20+ ppl come to my blog everyday but never bother to tag. I need the encouragement, the drive, the apprieciation, lol, okay maybe i just needed an ego boost.
But I mean, if you see ppl tagging you, it shows that they actually bothered to read the whole entry and were interested enough to give a shit and comment on something.
Even if it says,
" SH*T you. egoistic *****, your posts are so narcissistic.Get a life! "
Sorry, that was just some narcissist pretending to be moi.
p/s. nah I'm just kiddin yknow. I'm not gonna sue you if you don't tag, but if you do, I'd appreciate nothing vulgar or senseless.
If you do have to proclaim your hate for me, go on and set up a hate site for me.
However if you are one of those who don't have complete grasp of their mental state and still persist in leaving insults/vulgars, I will merely delete your tags and you'll just be a sad soul obliterated from my tagboard existence.
Oh yeah, i missed big mama's bday party man. Sadly sadly sadly.
I bailed out last minute, yet again.
I so wanted to go, so I could shake my ass and prove to him that mah milkshake is betta than his.
Tomorrow, me will be going to BHS for food-tasting.
Don gimme that completely puzzled wadahell look, but yeah, anyway, will be going there to like taste-test the canteen food.
I don't know what's the point anyway, it's not as if they're really gonna change the food if we go, ewww, vegetables. (not that I have anything against veggies)
But even if we comment, they'll probably just go
" Aiyah. it's healthy okay. just eat, eat, hurry up. We want to serve the deep-fried potato wedges already."
Personally, I'm not a fan of canteen food. Cept maybe just the spaghetti Wednesdays.
I remembered how i ate Chee chong fun during primary school for 1 whole year, or was it 2? Anyway, food was the last thing on my mind during those days, the faster i finished, the more time i got to play catching.
Nowadays, we care more about how much time we can waste eating, so that we won't needa go to class so early.
I don't wanna go tomorrow! I'll get fat!
Lol, nah, it's just that I'm too young to die from food poisoning.
Oh what the hell. If Salihin can eat macs everyday and still convince himself that fries are fibre, I guess I could just hypnotise myself thinking that by eating, I can lose weight.
Ok see ya'll.
I'm gonna burn some calories tmr!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Bloody hell i don't wanna talk about today.
Oh yar.
I watched like 2 movies in one day.
Deathnote with ange and friends and The Prestige with family.
Deathnote was not too bad, predictable, but nice.
Considerin that I refuse to read manga or watch anime(I hate the hype), it was pretty wouldn't mind lettin ange drag me to the second one.
3.5mins of applause/5
Prestige was prestigious man!!
It was a great show, and Hugh Jackman is hawt but I don't like Scarlett in that movie. The plot was clever, but if you go back to the basic basic storyline of these 2 guys tryna take revenge on each other by persistently goin to each other's shows to sabo each other's acts and dressed in the most obvious moustache disguises, it's kinda childish and senseless. I was half laughing at some parts.
I was so in the mood to watch Mindfreak when I got home.
fourfrickin minutes of standing ovation/5
watch it!watch it!
Oh so sad, tomorrows gonna be de last official day of sch in mhss..
Even as I write this, tears are like streaming down my face...
okay maybe not really and I doubt I'd even get emotional tomorrow.
I'll be comin back to school hell loads more anyway, so what's there to weep about?
Still considerin whether to go to Charlie's strip party this
haha well it's not literally a strip party, but Charlie's hostin it, so it might as well be-complete with the hired strippers! hahaha..
How bout Eve's chalet? Considering also.. but I'd change my mind if she'd waiver the $10 bux for the BBQ.heh.
I dunno man, go chalet, talk cock sing song, it's not very productive.
Then again, when have we ever been?
Go strip club, seeing charlie shakin his thang, kinda horny and sick.
Then again, when has he never been?
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Papaphobia- Fear of the Pope.
Follicularly fearful.
Peladophobia- Fear of bald people.
Single and would rather stay that way.....for the rest of their lives.
Philophobia- Fear of falling in love or being in love.
He who socializes with fugly people
Venustraphobia- Fear of beautiful women.
Stays away during Oktoberfest and is allergic to Nazis.
Teutophobia- Fear of German or German things.
Um.amputation is an option.
Levophobia- Fear of things to the left side of the body.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words.
Stupidly ironic.
Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia- Fear of money.
Ze Alpha-male
Cherophobia- Fear of gaiety.
HAHA.don be a hobo.
Hobophobia- Fear of bums or beggars.
Possibly the most ridiculous of all. WTF.
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Full list of phobias @
Laugh yourself silly!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Do you have any idea how tormenting it is to be stuck at home for four fugly days?
I feel like a slob. Staying at home spending half my time sleeping or slugging away searching for food.
I think the most exciting thing that happened was brushing my teeth.
Oh! oh yeah, I went to Aunty Linda's place yesterday
to visit uncle roland. He kinda had something like a stroke, but not an actual stroke, the other day and that isn't a very pleasant thing. not pleasant at all. nono not at all.
haha.that sounded so goofy.
but anyways, we went there during dinner time, when we hadn't had dinner yet. I was dying for food and ready to pounce on the table of food on their table already, but we weren gonna eat there.
So i took my mind off by watchin the Chinese drama on TV.
Thank god a few minutes later we already into a juicy convo. Turns out my cousin's getting hitched this december 23. What a date to get married, days before X'mas. But they've only started datin for 3mths? Round there.
No, they're not that desperately in lurrve.
Accordin to my aunt, they were classmates and terence(my cuz) told her that if he was still unmarried now, he'd marry her.
Haha, cheesy i know. But man, that's pretty sweet you gotta admit.
So here they are now, engaged.
But come to think of it now, I think he was planning for the future, like a " just in case i'm still single emergency thing." Wah like a reserve. hahaha..
Terence was talking to me and he said
"Whoa. You've grown up alot. Voice changed so much."
" ....,(in a wtf-ed tone) you mean my voice sounds much lower izit?"
"Since the last time I heard, it's changed."
I dunno what to say. I'm not a guy, dude. If you want to make it a point that i've grown up,don't have to use my voice as an example. I'm not flattered..
Haha, but I forgot to mention, his wife-to-be looks really pretty and sweet, no wonder he chose her as a 'reserve'
So that's it. I secretly miss being a flower girl like when I was 7. SHHSH. Don't tell!
Friday, October 13, 2006
So the only obvious source of laughter online would obviously be,sorry to say, youtube.
I stumbled across these two guys who hail from China but are anything but cheena-ish.
Can't copy the embedded here, so here's e link.
Is that gay or is that gay?
LOL! The song is already funny enough, and they had ta rub it in.
But it's hilarious and good entertainment.
Heck even Jessica Simpson linked them on her official webbie, so i officially got nothing to say.
It's a difficult skill, to master the art of lip-synching the entire song and look like you really are singin it and feeeelin it.haha..
They're called the Backdorm boys as a, uh, 'tribute' to the Backstreet bums, cus that was e first song they sync-ed.
Hahaha..the funniest thing is that while these two are synching themselves away to youtube stardom, almost evrytime, there's this guy in the background on his computer, completely oblivious to it all.
Watch their don't lie vid too..
Everytime i hear public affair, i really can't supress my laughter. Don't ask me why.
Maybe it's cos of the video where Ryan Seacrest stars as the chaffeur and says : " I wanna be so famous that my hair stylist gets his on show on bravo(somthin like that)! "
Or maybe because of the twinkly twinkly starting of the song.
Or maybe because after this song, Paris finally has some competition.
I dunno man. But if you wanna make me laugh, just play it.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Who knew spending 6hrs everyday processing useless pieces of information and trying to get them into your head while eating KFC, starbucks and popcorn could invoke such a strong feeling of nostalagia?
i'm missin ze muggin.
I feel so empty. So lonely.
No more textbooks or mindmaps or past year papers.
What's worse?
No more vanilla steamed milk, no more hot chocolate with whipped cream. No more pastamania, no more distgusting salty popcorn.
(nice meh evelyn? Only encourages more water retention.bwaha.)
Who knew it could be so weirdishly kinda fun studyin with ange, eve and syafiaqah. Such a crazy retarded but hardworking bunch.
And who knew, through a week, I could come up witha business plan that would have made me richer than Charlie's whole collection of Armani.
I was doing my mindmapping which of course made em go, tsk tsk, aiyo.
Few days later, Syafiqah is carbon copying mine.
Then I asked them, if I did these, and sold it to you ppl for a buck a piece, would you buy it?
Sya was like yeah yeah yeah!
If only I'd thought of it earlier, I woulda made enuf money to buy my way to A1s. heheha. pardon my lameness.
Ange n gang made frens with these two donation dudes, who became their tuition dudes.
I didn go that day, so I had to endure their gushing over the cute chinese guy who takes A maths and the other guy who says chi beh uses very colourful language.
Though I got to meet the chi beh-guy on another day, haha he looked kinda stick-ish and concave-ish. ifyouknowadimean.
O dam, needa do art prep now. I hate my art.
But I love yours, ange. (*ahem* incidentally, I haven't started on prep work and I could use some, erm, help yah? *ahemahem*)
Urgh. I sound rellay pathetic so I'll go complete mine masterpieces now.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Everyone else is probably studying their asses away, and everytime I switch on the TV, pick up a copy of 8days, Lime or even straits times, I feel guilty because I know I should be studying my ass off too.
Heck I even feel guilty sleeping.
So today, armed with a truckload of txtbooks, I isolated myself at city hall starbucks for 5 frickin hours, resulting in 2 vanilla lattes.potato salad.warm chocolate cake and hot cocoa with whipped cream!
Oh marhhhh gawdd.
Whoa, i tell you, it's like committing all 7 deadly sins all at once. Didn't seem like a torturing study session. Nope, not at all.
No matter how evil and deceiving the algebraic equations were.
But i got a teeny bit frustrated cos my beloved nano wasnt with me.
Anywaay. Watching SI. I don't care whether Jon wins or not, because as the corny saying goes, at this point, they're all winners.
Personally, I feel that Jon has the more unique voice, tho no doubt that Hady has 'the voice'.
Hady's more a dime in a dozen, where you can find many singers with his kinda vocal powress. but not many singers have Jon's signature baritone, low n sexayy voice and the moves ta go along with it. Not to mention the bloody intense goosebump-raising stare.
I like.
I want to talk more. But once again, I am feeling guilty guilty guilty.
Actually, I just realised that I have a shitload of work left undone.
So Tatas...
On a closing note, I'd like to say,
not all emo kids are depressed and whiney. Some are happy, immature, bouncy kids.
I think that will be my next entry.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
I havent blogged for a few days and before we know it, I totally missed one whole crucial episode of the korean drama. tsktsk.
Anyway, its just the usual stuff as anyone wud expect. Nothing new.
Even hollywood catfights ala lindsey-mischa-paris-or other etc socialites have more interesting stuff to argue bout. Air-headed as they are, they still have the brains enough to argue other things besides boyfriends.
Like, who re-wore the Prada dress to yesterday's fundraiser,
It's starting to bore me, I think I'd rather stick to channel 8 dramas.erm, okay neway, nuff BS again.. shall talk about more blogworthy stuff.
I'm so sorry to have wasted 40 seconds of your life back there.
But back to business.
Checkout these acapella people man! Kickin!
That was..
Acapella on power rangers theme song..
Haven't heard that in years. Man was it bloody cool and funny.
See em jumping like retards at the chorus. loll.
Mr Brightside..
Here's something we'd all know..
I'm gettin the urge to beat box after watching em.
Second thought, I don't wanna be covered in spit.
They sound kickin good. kickin kickin good.
If our choir stood next to them, they'd sound completely tone-deaf and horribly off-pitch. No offence guys.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
So anyway...the usual stuff..a flight of stairs late to assembly..p.e with kara and his ego..math with mr chan and our retards. much I've missed em..
Suprisingly. Ms yeoh actually continued with the debate on mon. I thought she wasn't going ta continue.was suprised she even remembered.
-Round one-
Darren's vs. Sheng Rong's.
Debate topic- Should humans be saved from extinction?
I know. How erm, controversial.
It's like debating whether you should commit suicide or not.
In this case, we should, for coming up with such a ridiculous debate topic
Aren't there better and more important topics to debate about?
Like, should literature classes be out of bounds to Ms chang?
Is eugene really gay?
Nuff of this BS anyway.
So anyway as expected, Darren won. Pretty much beacuse of Darren obviously, his group couldn't have won cos of Keith and Michael's bullshittin. Micheal actually took bullshitin 2 a whole new level that we din even know existed.
Doing his 'interrogating' on the audience, not supreme court, puh-lease.
Oh yea h and the last part when Ms yeoh and Chang were determining the winning team, they had their own internal debate too.
It was bloody funny watching em 2 arguing..
The first time Msyeoh din give in to changchang. YAY ms yeoh. lol
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Hmm. Perhaps I underestimated this family film. I thought it'd be the typical normal girl in small town goes to big city and wins! urgh.
But thank god i was like wrong, sorta anyway. The plot is predictable but the storyline was really warming and wits. The couple next to me like offered me tissues. haha. It's not that teary, but enough to jerk a few tears.
But I learned how ta spell b-u-t-t.
And a whole lotta words that I don't know nor give a damn bout.
And here's an excellent excuse for that peck on the cheek.
" Er, I had a sudden impulse?.."
if that fails, then just gotta bite the dust..
" Will you sue me for sexual harassment?! "
Sure to get giggles and perhaps if lucky(and abit of vodka.jk.) a peck back.
*And there ya go! Gettin away scott-free..
Just a few excerpts from this strictly-no-ghettotalk movie.
Go catch it. It's pretty good.
*Disclaimer: Please note that the contents is for your sole entertainment purpose only. The blogger will not be liable for any physical damage caused on any idiot ['s balls] stupid enough to use these excuses on any self-respecting female. All rights reserved
Friday, September 08, 2006
Evryday goin out to Macs, Burger King, then find a small cosy isolated place and mug for the the rest of the day.
I cud only study my one and only favourite *choke* subject, math. Cos that was the only tb i remembered to salvage from our ever 'spacious' locker.damnit.
nerding at macs.

If you were observant enough, you'd have seen 2 inches of a gameboy and my brat's hand. He was supposed ta b muggin too. but secretly sneaked his GB along.
And while my mom went window shoppin, he took it out and with an evil laugh, he started playin..
Unlike his dearest sister, he is unfortunately not gifted in the area of english, sacarsm or wit.
But don't fret just yet!
It turns out that he his like the complete total opposite of her, instead, he is a total genius in math.
Always gettin full marks in his tests and coming home to brag to anyone and evryone who cares enough to listen.
Which means mom n dad.
Usually I just express my mock surprise when he gets 15/15 while I'm stuck with 15/ 25.
Like this,
-End of mock surprise-
Haha, nah, I'm not that cruel. I just do that 50% of the time. hee.
Anyway, this is just a misrable attempt to make muggin sound interesting.
Skiving off during muggin


I refused to take any because of the recent breakout which I think may have been caused by the durian that I reluctantly consumed yesterday nite.
My dad convinced my to try cos its supposed to be 'solid' one.
See lah. Dam solid lah.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Why was ms yeoh smilin like mad?
You tell me why she wouldn't be?!

Haha yeah right.
Instead she was stuck with this..
but hey , that LV bag might have been pricey ..
but this is priceless..where else would you be able to buy a box full of our apprieciations and crazy but still apprieciative rants??

We even put Ms Yeoh's pic on the front cover!

Eh l
What you didn't see..
Falend and deb doing monk's hill getai..

Can't get enuf of dancing..
Tok tok qiang...

Stop it lah.

" I think we scared the ghosts away already! "
I think they did.

Happy Teachr's Day! In true Monk's Hill style.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Soshutup and read.
Yest was like
"Sure late lah, neh mind dad, drive slower."
Was like a bloody tsunami outside.
Thought I'd be late, but thanks to my trusty chauffeur -i mean, dad-
when I got to school, it looked like half the sch wasn't there yet.
And many people looked like dey'd been freeloadin on the rain as their shower. All they needed was shampoo.
Anyway, the nite before i stayed up til god-knows wad time, to do Ms yeoh's prez. But it don really matter how long i took to do evrything cos it's for Ms Yeoh, and I wouldn't mind not sleeping. So it don matter how late it was.
Ok, I slept at 3.
Teachr's day was actually like, dam enjoyable.
Aces day was um, embarrasing cos i had to stand like
front and centre. That was really easy on my nerves.
Nevertheless, anyway w/o my specs, I'm literally half-blind and the crowd looked like a bunch of dummies tryin ta copy our moves.
So of of course, some ppl wud think that it was gay.
Had e hse games in the hall since the field was submerged in the pouring tsunami outside.
We had a great spectatin area at the gallery, which was actually better than the shaded tents set-up at the fields. Which were good-for-nothin by then.
First game was Nick of time, honestly, before the game, I had not a stinkin idea how to play. But anyways and pretty amazingly, we got like first. haha. I think it was cos we were pretty calm throughout the whole thing, unlike the other hses, they were kinda like.
omigod hurry!omigfgod quick quick!!
But Haha it was so fun cos we won!
But apparently that would be the only game that we were goin to win for the rest of the day.
Afta dat was musica chairs. At first it was like waddahell so many dam ppl. But as time went by, we were left with bo neh bu xueting (amazingly) and some valour gal, yeah babe.
But LO and behold, though xueting bo neh, she sure got one fast ass. And with a swift movement of xt's ass, vig got their first stinkin victory.
I think that was about the only 2 games i really rmbered.
Oh yeah, one more was tug-o-war. I thought we'd win, cos ours team consisted of 99.9% (Charlie just outta hnf a fewweeks ago) HNF people.
Our team looked dam garang. We were resting our hopes on their strong gravity pull.
But, alas, for reasons I cannot fathom, victory, with all them thin thin ppl, won us.
Then it was guardin the balls. The name of the game makes me wanna cry laughin. Dunno what balls they should guard.
Capt's ball was uh. well it sucked, vig won. as usual.
well anyways, after all that was tchr's day quiz.
And it din look like anyone gave a dam whose bag, what stuffed toy, whose constipation
Finally, the highlight of the day..
tchr's day concert started with Hendry, his voice and the guitar.

singin ooh lalala...
dang, he's good.
Next up was, actually i can't rmb the order of performances.
but nevermind, anyway next up according to my pics..

It's us at a taiwanese pop concert!
Lame-haha sorry. We were tryna b enthusiastic bout it, evryone around us had ta b wet blankets and spoil the fun by being stones.


uh, like, what the..

he's walking like he just had constipation.

Finally. phew.
Then it was the bra saleman, flaunting his 'assets'..(or so he thinks he has them).
I suspect that he was secretly wearin a nike sports bra for extra support with all that vigorous shaking all around.
Anyways quoted frm his blog..
"Miss y's face was glum and full of jealousy when we were dancing, a rumour, but i dunno true not."
Well Charlie, it might just have been true.
But she, wasnt jealous cos yr dance was like nicer or what.
It's cos she saw you "breasting and shaking and gaying and sexilyin" your moobs (man-boobs, which you don actually have), very unprofessionally.
I think she was turned off by your noob-ism. And jealous cos you had the nike bra she wanted.

See.Shake and emphasize on your nike bra.
How not to accentuate your curves 101.
Haha enuf bitchin. Charlie's dance was entertainin, but not as entertainin as ours. hah.
Ellen and Arif singin
Someday we'll know if lurrve can move a mountain
Someday we'll know why I wasn't meant for youuu.
Someday Ellen will win Singapore Idol.
and someday Arif will know the difference between singing and talking.
BARACUDA Bakuteh..something that sounded like that anyway.
It was catchy and kickass. What more can I say? But thanks to the totally "enthusiastic" audience, our efforts to groove to da beat made us look like idiots.
I look pretty retarded smiling like mad. Ms yeoh was a bit mad(as in crazy) that day too.
And how can we blame her? Find out what she was goin crazy abt
stay tuned.. for more juicy behind the scenes scandalicious pics!(because right now the pics arent loading yet AGAIN.)
Sunday, August 27, 2006
So, I hired some part-time bar-top dancers for your sole entertainment.
So, meanwhile, Charlie and gang shall entertain you with their professional pole/bartop/japanese dancing.
that's your exclusive preview of your tchrs day performance! Aren't you looking forwad to it so much? I am.
I just put that there cos I was init for about, like, 1.5secs.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
But I have a feeling called "notinthemood" too, and right now it's working its shit.
I'm just in my "notinthemood" mood.
So today you shall hear me moan groan complain about why I'm
Firstly, I had a sore throat at the start of the week which was pretty frustrating. I had to drink a MUG of saltwater evry morning to soothe my throat,
literally, salt mixed with water. In case you're wondering, it actually works.
So, if I have to experience the taste of drowning in the sea for my voice back,
oh well.
- Ok that was yesterday, typed that halfway and my notinthemood mood was really going up so i had to stop blabbin.-
Fortunately, today i am back to norm again
I won't procrastinate, hesitate, discriminate, salivate or anything with ate.
Let's get this shit.
Photolog lah.
Okay ya know what? The pics hate me or something, they're not loading.
So, sorry people.
Meanwhile you shall have to bear with the mediocre Tchrs day note i wrote for Ms yeoh.We're compliling a bunch of articles from evryone and I'm writing whatever I can think of, in this one it's her fash sense.
It's kinda bootlicking but hey, Teacher's Day okay? Just do whatever it takes as long as they're happy, since it's just one day(muahaha).
So enjoy!
Until a certain species called the "Ms Yeoh" came into the knowledge of mankind, teachers and designer labels were like Hugo Boss is to Bossini.
After being taught by countless teachers, many had come to a devastating conclusion that
"Teachers have zero fashion sense"
As in zilch, kosong sotong, big fat egg -> 0.
From Opiang office shirts to auntie attire and dry-fit shirts that are anything BUT dry, I could go on and on and on and..but I'll spare you the agony.
What more could these teachers come up with to frighten the living daylight out of us innocent unsuspecting and totally fashion-concious students?!!
It was another new school year and evryone felt fashionably frightened as we were anticipating the fashion disaster we were going to be distraught by for the rest of the year..
She stepped in wearing *gasp* Gucci and ferragamo heels!
It was Coco Chanel's(deceased) gift from fashion paradise to us, poor style-malnutritioned students.
" Ms Yeoh" continued to stun us throughout the years with her ever-changing stylish wadrobe from boho chic to office hip.
We were finally saved from the fashion illiterate who couldn't tell the difference
from boho and hobo by this fashion immaculate angel from runway heaven.
As my cliched story ends,
fashionably ever after..
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Went to Sci ctr yest and dance pract at moi hse today.
Took alotta self-indulging photos. Too many. And too little time to settle evrythin at time alrite!no damn time...
Piano exam is this thurs and I'm still playin like crap.
So I've got no choice but to sacrifice my blogblabbing time for finger excerise.
Anyway I promise a fotofilled entry once im done..just cut me some slack this week.
I know my piano teacher will ask me if I'm having a fever after I say this,
I am going to get a stinkin distinction cert for piano!
You laugh.
As the corny saying goes,
"You can if YOU BELIEVEE!"
I know you're cringing now.
Anyway i've distrubuted all my photos to evryone. so u'd probably see more at their blogs..still don 4get to check bak at the end of this wk, for a juicy fotofilled entree. cyas..
Monday, August 14, 2006
All these pics from the comfort of my balcony, a full unobstructed beau-tay-ful
view of the fireworks.Oh yeahhh.
It's ok, you can hate me now.
Wave your hands and say
Where are the dam fire works? How come so bright one?
Neh-mind, I zoom in and see whether can see..


Sigh..can only see my handsome face..nevermind

mariKITAHH lah yah singapuRAH..

haha look at those pathetic ppl have ta park their cars there to see..
and if u look closely, there's alotta ppl crowded across the river..just to see the fireworks..i almost feel sorry for them, almost.

Yay! Wave to the uncle in the copter, and who cares if he can't see you?!




I could hear my spastic neighbour from next door's balcony screamin as if they'd neva seen fireworks from their hse bfore,naturally, with the help of little brat, we screamed back and the firework session turned into a
we-are-more-suaku-than-you competition.
I felt so patriotic.
oh wait still got arh!

I hope you're jealous already. yah?
yahlah of course you r.
P.S (POOT/PFFT shirley)
Who's blog is dead now? Huuuuuh?
Friday, August 11, 2006
Can see a 180 degrees paranomic view of all the fireworks. They're so beautiful and I don't think anyone ever gets tired of watching them.
Right? Right? Jealous yet?
Course you are. lol.
Anyway today was so overwhelming, heck I din have time to even feel tired.
Did sat nite feva from 12.30 to 3 which is like...urh..2-and-a-freaking-half-hours
Bloody hell, wonder how we're gonna remember all those pointless moves.
Then went to Ange's house round 3-thirthay.
to learn the dance moves from her and after another 1 freakin hour, I gottit!
Yay! Haha tupid.
Oh yeah, on the way to Ange's hse, saw a getai just at the carpark. It's kinda freaky for me. Bit creepy...
Then halfway learnin e dance from ange, Keith rang moi.
Goin jammin' this sunday again!
Yay, I like it there, it's really cool.
Though the room's preety small, but the keyboard, electric guitars , drums , amps and the whatever big-big complicated plug box make up for that.
And since now kenneth has gotten de piano score(finally..), we can finally make some sensible and bee-uu-tii-ful muzika. yay!
And can you believe it, 60(freaking)bucks for 8 puny pages of a piano score,
(Plus shipment, handling, taxes and GST, MSG.. blah blahblah)
it was pretty much a rip off.
After that we learnt our lesson,
Music shops are for the filthy rich,
Ebay is for the filthy cheap.
filthy rich- indos
filthy cheap- financially challenged, lesser mortals like us.
Convo with Keith:
Moi: Eh yah so sunday rite? OK can.
K: Oh yah forgot to tell you, just now me and mike went jammin, then we anyhow playplayplay until we made up a song leh! Very nice eh!
Moi: Oh really har? *Highly skeptical*
K: Yah! Play on sunday for you all to hear lah!
Moi: Ok..see you, don forget to tell the guys to come okay?
K: Yes ma'am.
Moi: Gd boy.
Sry if you felt that was pretty lame and pointless but it just popped outta nowhere so I just decided to throw here.
Can't wait to hear their 'very nice song'.
Does that mean that if I go in there and anyhow singsingsing, it will also suddenly sound very nice?
I shall try on sunday...
*evil cackle*
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
And after that was POP.
Oh yeah, I got some cadet award for guides during the Prize Presentation. Along with jasmine, chanel and the dua neh bus.
Eve was pretty disappointed that she didn't get any,
but I don't think not getting a $10 popular voucher is anything worthy to be disappointed about, if that's any consolation.
But it's the recognition you get that counts actually, and you don't need to march up in front of the whole UG just to be recognised as a good guide.(ha, sounds cute). You're already recognised by all of us in MHGG eh?
Yeah of course, all those times we hear ppl calling..
"EVELYN!! Help me tie scarf!! "
I'm guilty of course.
You mighn't have gotten that stupid $10 popuplar voucher, but you got something way better- our nod of approval.
Which is waay betta than the $10 popular voucher, which I foresee will be abadoned at a dark corner of my cupboard, and only to be retrieved months later, expired.
So I hope this was consoling enough for you, miss suwati, considering the effort I put in to think up all this bullshit.
Ok lol it's not bullshit cos it actually makes pretty good sense.
So, you're welcome.
Anyway we didn have Sat Nite Feva, cos we told kara that we'd be exhausted and tired after POP, which is abit of a lie, beacause I was still prancing around after that.
But heck, we still got free pizza and ice-cream so all's good. HAha..
We had group photo taking, which was very squeezy and highly uncomfortable.
After all the formal ones.. shirley and xueting taught me the tricks of their trade, their trademark, hand on boobs picture. Ok it sounds pretty gross, but in the actual thing it's dam funny.
It's a pity I din bring my cam and I donno who's got e pics yet so can't upload em..But will do asap, if I manage to get them anyway.
Overall it was pretty enjoyable for our last National day in MHSS..
Monday, August 07, 2006
Stayed back to practice for Tchrs day gain today.
And once again, my blood pressure went flying high.
Imagine shouting for 4 hours straight, intermittenly.
Like the POP commanders, except that I was shouting evry 2 minutes.
And I still managed to keep my voice, so amazing. Maybe I should try doing POP commands. hahhaha.
Still kinda worried bout the performance cos we're still a little off..and coordinating with the instruments..
argh, shall not worry lah..can't afford to lose it right now.
Ok, so tomorrow is National Day...wheee..yay!
Not. Cos it's national day and what does that mean?
It means, Passing On Parade. The final damn thing, finally.
But that sucks, cos it means afta that we won't be seeing Dua Neh Bus (Xt and Sm) already..aww...whhhyyy..
Evelyn's gonna get emo. And I'll need to find a way to break the cornyness and stop myself from gettin emo too.
Oh shit, I forgot, I'm havin Sat Nite Feva after POP. Urghh..oh well at least I know there'll be a bunch of us doin it.
All for one and one for all.
In this case, lame for one and all for lame.
Yeah babe. LOL.
Besides, we get free pizza from kara, so what's there to lose?
(Do it the 3 year old style with your hands up in the air)
Cya ppl tmR..
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Despite going all the way to Newton HC to eat chicken rice with evelyn,syafiqah, joveina n jasmine, I felt so drained by the time we started marching.
For the first time,
I really cannot lah.
But the rehearsal was inevitable so I didn't have a choice.
Thank god this is the last rehearsal anyway. Now we can just get over with the real thing and it'll be end of story, the end.
At first it felt so grand, then it was bloody tiring, now it's just boring.
But I'm gonna miss the Dua Neh Bu and Bo Neh sad..nobody to mock at about their nehs after that.
Hopefully the bye-bye parteh would be memorable.
Eve got kinda emo today. During the passing on part. She kept telling me
" I feel like cryiiinng..."
I couldn't take it because I didn't know whether she was crying or laughing, or both.
So if you can't beat em, join em.
Will miss you lots n lots Xt and Sm..
Tried to keep the whole update short and that's de best I could.
This thought just randomly came into my mind today...
All the small critisisms our friends tell us from time to time sometimes tend to hurt us unknowingly(to them). Because we don't want to let it get to our heads, we just brush them off as a jokes.
Sometimes they're so direct and blunt you just can't help but feel so hurt. You can't believe that they could actually think that way.
The catch is, the closer the person is to you, the greater the impact is.
You feel like telling that person that it hurts you, but in the end you decide not to. You don't know why either. You just don't want to, probably.
Sometimes we're so open that we forget to be sensitive, that other people still feel. I hope I haven't been like that, cos I know the feeling is so awful.
Dam gotta run..
Tata ppl..
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Well it's about time.
Sooooo, we were talking bout how blogging has encouraged a "" generation. Basically a self-indulgent generation of bloggers,publishing an online diary accessible to the entire web community and talking bout what they did and why and blahblahblah about their life.
A common definition of 'blog' is an online diary. A place where they supposedly post their "personal" thoughts and comments, a platform for their 'freedom of expression'.
It's a place where we can FINALLY be heard among the sea of voices in society.
There are probably 2 generic types of bloggers.
The "My life and me" bloggers
These are the ones who are probably the most guilty of the self-indulgence and pointless gabberings about their boring life. They typically bitch about their daily activities like why they just argued with their boyfriends or how well their anorexic diet plan is working.
Criminals: Mostly tweens and teens like you and me
Guilty as charged: Well I admit that I've done some bitching here and there. But I'm not completely obessesed with my life and do talk about general topics from time to time.
The "Political and World Issues" blogger
At least these people give blogging a bit more credit and are at least have more purpose than the "mylifeandme" blogs. They talk about ongoing issues of society and world political issues and show their insights on the topics.
Whodunit: Middle-aged adults, mostly.
Guilty as charged: I don't read the political ones much, but I do read the ones on society issues. I can relate to those more because it affects people from all walks of life. For politics, I still can't read past the first two lines and not let my mind wander. In a few more more more years maybe?
To the self-indulgent bloggers, blogging is probably just a passing trend on the net. People can leave comments on the entries after reading them. And many bloggers, after reading the comments, get a boost of their egos. These people are so narcissistic (Excessive love or admiration of oneself) that they are disillusioned into the fact that people are interested in their pointless ramblings. The comments just feed the egos of these "bloggers" and encourage them to continue posting.
While blogs have many purposes, some of which can be useful, many have abused the accessiblity and liberty of it. Some even posting nude pics and "homemade vids"
The whole idea of a blog itself is a neutral thing. It is how the bloggers put it to use that determines the whether it is just another superficial fad or an advancement of the net.
It would be sad if it was just another passing trend.
So much for this post. Haha, I'm blogging about the harmfulness of blogs.
In Ms Chang's words " How Ironic ! "
Yay. Ok Ms Yeoh you can grade me on this as an essay and we'll skip the rest of the assignments alright? Yeah rite. lol.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
In short, it's been giving me a slight concussion and was dam tiring.
Yesterday we stayed back for the Tchers Day rehearsals, and man, what can I say? The Drama, baby. But we still have a long way to a smooth show, lotsa preparations kinda worried afta we ended yest cos was afraid we won't make it..but all you guys assured me it'd be ok..neways you guys r e best lah.
$30 bucks for the high sch musical piano score. Tsk tsk, such a rip-off. I mean of course it's plus the shipment cost. But I bet if it were on Ebay it'd be bloody cheaper. Nevermind, at least after splittin within the class it's cut down to $2 per person.
Notice how vague the description of the Tchers Day thing is..I'm not spillin anything or else there won't be no surprises nemore.
Okay today..
Yeah did saturday nite fevarr. Lol was doin the ACES Day workout thing with Charlie, Faris, Germaine, Arnold and well Hakim was supposed to be there but cos of NPCC. Anyway, I'm er finally gettin the hang of it and it doesnt feel so lame anymore. I though it wouldn't take more than an hr or something, but it lasted for like, 2 hours.
Well partly cos charlie,me and germaine were held hostage by nasi lemak(it's not a person. Really mean the food.) at the CC.
But Charlie was kidnapped by 2 plates of nasi lemak. So blame the two plates of nasi lemak.
But it was pretty fun actually. I mean besides Charlie and Faris's gay dancing, it was fun. lol.
Doin the guides soveiniers
I'm overworking again. But my adrenaline's rushin so I'm actually findin it preety fun ..
So much for todays post..I'm practically draggin myself to slog on this keyboard. If I could, I'd bang my head on the keyboard now cos I can't find anythin to type. And now I starting to realise that I'm spoutin alotta weird crap at this point of time so I shall stop now. LOL. I'm soo